Enumeration DebounceStyle

Different types of debouncing for the Debounce class.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

AfterWait: "after-wait"

Waits the given amount of milliseconds after the first call and then fires the latest assigned callback.

.execute() calls with a 25ms debounce time looks like this:

1st .execute() 2nd .execute() 3rd .execute() - 4th .execute() ...
0ms 10ms 20ms 25ms 30ms 50ms
fired! fired!
FirstThenWait: "first-then-wait"

Fires on the first call, then waits the given amount of milliseconds until another call is allowed through.

.execute() calls with a 25ms debounce time looks like this:

1st .execute() 2nd .execute() 3rd .execute() 4th .execute()
0ms 10ms 20ms 30ms
fired! fired!