Function randomBoolean

  • Returns true at rate of the percentLikelyToBeTrue input. Inputs should be whole numbers which will be treated like percents. Anything outside of 0-100 inclusively will be clamped. An input 0 will always return true. An input of 100 will always return true. Decimals on the input will be chopped off, use whole numbers.

    This function uses cryptographically secure randomness.


    • percentLikelyToBeTrue: number = 50

    Returns boolean

    import {randomBoolean} from '@augment-vir/common';

    randomBoolean(50); // 50% chance to return true
    randomBoolean(0); // always false, 0% chance of being true
    randomBoolean(100); // always true, 100% chance of being true
    randomBoolean(59.67); // 59% chance of being true
