Type Alias DockerContainerInfo

DockerContainerInfo: Readonly<{
    AppArmorProfile: string;
    Args: ReadonlyArray<string>;
    Config: JsonCompatibleObject;
    Created: string;
    Driver: string;
    ExecIDs: unknown;
    GraphDriver: JsonCompatibleObject;
    HostConfig: JsonCompatibleObject;
    HostnamePath: string;
    HostsPath: string;
    Id: string;
    Image: string;
    LogPath: string;
    MountLabel: string;
    Mounts: JsonCompatibleArray;
    Name: string;
    NetworkSettings: JsonCompatibleObject;
    Path: string;
    Platform: string;
    ProcessLabel: string;
    ResolvConfPath: string;
    RestartCount: number;
    State: DockerContainerInfoState;

Properties on the output from getContainerInfo. Not all these properties are filled in all the way, particularly most of properties with nested objects.