input-device-handler - v6.0.0


Handles keyboard, mouse, and gamepad inputs with a single API that treats inputs from all those devices identically so they can be used interchangeably. Also optionally converts the Gamepad API's polling paradigm into an event based paradigm.


This details the most commonly used parts of teh API. For full API details, use the TypeScript types included in this package and in the GitHub repo.


npm i input-device-handler

Basic usage

Since the gamepad api is poll based (their value must constantly be checked), a new class instance must be constructed so we can listen to events from it.

import {CurrentInputsChangedEvent, InputDeviceHandler, NewDevicesAddedEvent} from 'input-device-handler';

const deviceHandler = new InputDeviceHandler({startLoopImmediately: true});

// listen to new devices connecting (such as gamepads)
deviceHandler.listen(NewDevicesAddedEvent, (event) => {'new devices added:', event.detail.inputs);

// listen to a change in inputs
deviceHandler.listen(CurrentInputsChangedEvent, (event) => {'inputs changed:', event.detail.inputs);

Loop control

Under the hood, InputDeviceHandler is hooking into the render loop to constantly poll the gamepads. InputDeviceHandler provides means of controlling this polling loop:

import {InputDeviceHandler} from 'input-device-handler';

const deviceHandler = new InputDeviceHandler();

// start the polling loop, events will get fired now

// pause the polling loop, events will no longer get fired

Usage within a render loop

If you already have a render loop, you can instruct InputDeviceHandler to not start its own poll loop. You can then fire its update method to get all the same functionality but contained within your own render loop.

import {InputDeviceHandler} from 'input-device-handler';

const deviceHandler = new InputDeviceHandler();

function myRenderLoop() {
const currentDevices = deviceHandler.readAllDevices();
// do something with the current devices and their inputs...
